The twelfth Notified Body for the medical devices regulation is CE Certiso Orvos- és Kórháztechnikai Ellenőrző és Tanúsító Kft. Hungary
As of today the following Notified Bodies are designated for the MDR:
BSI,UK - see News: "FIRST MDR Notified Body - BSI UK."
TÜV Süd - see News: "SECOND Notified Body under the MDR - TÜV Süd Germany"
DEKRA - see News: "THIRD Notified Body under the MDR - DEKRA Germany"
IMQ - see News: "Notified Body number FOUR under the MDR - IMQ Italy"
TÜV Rheinland - see News "FIFTH Notified Bodies under the MDR"
Dare !! - see News "Notified Body number SIX designated: DARE!!"
BSI, NL - see News "BSI NL designated as notified body number SEVEN under the MDR"
DEKRA B.V. - see News "N.B. number EIGHT is DEKRA B.V."
MEDCERT -see News"X-mas present: MedCert is Notified Body number NINE"
DNV Presafe - see News:"N.B. number TEN is DNV GL Presafe AS"
NSAI -see News"N.B. number ELEVEN is NSAI"
CE Certiso